Tag Archives: Cognition

Games That Make Us Happier

Takeaway: Immersive games that make us feel physically present in a virtual experience can lead to a state of mind called “flow,” which is linked to happiness and life satisfaction.

What’s all the fuss about “presence” in games (which, if you haven’t read my other posts, is the feeling of actually being there in a virtual world)? It’s become the holy grail of both gamers and game developers. Discussions about presence in games have become quite popular of late, given all the interest in virtual reality and the ability of new platforms to completely absorb and focus our attention to a crazy extent.

One reason achieving a sense of presence is so important is that it may lead to a state of mind colloquially called “being in the zone” or “flow.” Flow is when we become immersed, energized and fully focused in an activity that is pleasurable. We’re usually doing something that provides frequent feedback and is challenging but not overly difficult. We lose sense of time, “living in the moment,” and our self-conscious awareness and monitoring goes out the window. We may even ignore physical needs like hunger! Flow state can be reached in many ways, especially when our skills are being engaged — playing sports, writing a story, programming computer software, playing bridge, reading — but games produce a particularly conducive environment for flow when a sense of presence is high.

For years, when we asked our Walmart customers why they play Legacy’s hidden object games, we would get the same response. “I want to relax, think about nothing, escape from my worries.” Little did I know, these customers were probably describing their flow state. Psychologists now believe that attaining flow, particularly because it comes about as a result of focused activity, is a crucial component of lifelong happiness.

A screenshot from the hidden object game, Criminal Minds, distributed by Legacy at Walmart

A screenshot from the hidden object game, Criminal Minds, distributed by Legacy at Walmart

In previous blogs on the topic of presence, I reviewed available research on how to influence presence and why people vary in their feelings of presence. Increasing the sense of presence in games turns out to be THE critical factor in achieving a flow state. Now, especially with the advent of virtual reality, game designers have the opportunity to turn us all into flow junkies.

Here’s a quick model summarizing my blogs on the topic of presence, and all the ways it is influenced and influences us.



Why Do People Have Such Different Reactions to VR?

Spoiler Alert: Not everyone feels a sense of presence when experiencing Virtual Reality. Research shows that age, gender, cognitive ability, imagination, and personality can affect how one reacts to VR.

When we try VR apps and games in the office, I am always surprised by the different reactions people have to the same app on the same device. Why? The simple answer is that everyone has different tastes and preferences. But according to recent research, some people may be predisposed to experience a sense of presence and immersion in VR, while others do not. (Presence, in case you didn’t read my previous blog post, is the feeling of actually being there in a digital experience.)

Kids. Let’s start with kids. When children play, they use their imaginations to pretend that a cardboard box is a racecar, or the red blocks are a farm. They become completely engaged in their play and may lose track of their surroundings, so naturally one might guess that kids would also find VR immersive. When you put kids into a VR experience, however, their emotional responses, compared to adults, can be “off the charts.” In other words, they feel a sense of presence way more than adults. In one study, kids and adults were put into a VR rollercoaster simulator while researchers measured their brain activity. Adults could control their emotions using a sort of self-reflection technique that provided some emotional distance between themselves and the stimulating virtual experience. Kids, on the other hand, did not know how to use these same “meta-cognitive” strategies to regulate their emotions.

African American boy playing in cardboard box


Researchers explain these differences by suggesting that brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex, that regulate our feelings of presence and allow us to control our emotions, don’t fully mature until adulthood. This means that children (and even younger teens) have difficulty convincing the emotion centers of their brains that an immersive experience is NOT real, which makes them particularly susceptible to feelings of extreme presence in VR. The point is that just because you’ve let your kid watch Friday the 13th on TV (ugh) doesn’t mean that it’s OK for them to experience it in VR. For immersive tech like VR, even mature kids don’t yet possess the neural “hardware” to control their emotional responses.

Women VS Men. Interestingly, a few studies have found sex differences regarding feelings of presence. One explanation researchers offer is that females empathize with virtual characters more readily than males, which allows women to feel higher levels of presence. Not everyone agrees, naturally. More research needs to be done to determine whether there really is a consistent gender difference in presence and why.

Cognition. Cognitive ability, which includes things like general intelligence, attention, and spatial skills, may also impact a sense of presence. Some researchers speculate that people with higher attention levels experience higher presence, perhaps because they are better able to concentrate on the virtual world and “tune out” the real world. Another possibility is that people with higher spatial reasoning skills enjoy VR because they are more easily able to process the information in a 3D virtual environment. Males (on average) have better spatial skills than females, thus researchers have suggested that spatial reasoning may be at the crux of any gender differences in feelings of presence.

Imagination. An individual’s level of creative imagination is another factor researchers have examined in explaining individual differences in reactions to VR. (This may be a reason why children are so adept at feeling presence). Research seems to indicate that the more imaginative a person is, the more likely they are to feel presence. One possible explanation is that people who can easily imagine situations tend to mentally fill in any gaps in detail for the virtual world, thus making it seem more realistic and more immersive.

Personality. Finally, there are several personality traits that relate to feelings of presence. First, a person’s willingness to suspend disbelief seems to be a factor. Can you be hypnotized? If so, you’ll probably love VR.  On the other hand, do you get nervous or anxious in new situations? Then you are probably not the best candidate for VR. This may be because nervous people’s negative thoughts distract them from paying attention to and processing their surroundings. Finally, it seems that introversion/extraversion might relate to feelings of presence, with extraverted people feeling more presence on average than introverted people.

Please keep in mind that much of this research is really new, and all of it needs to be replicated. It does, however, provide some guideposts about who the early adopters of VR might be. More importantly, it will help us understand how to design VR experiences for everyone, even folks who aren’t predisposed to like or feel fully immersed when they first put on their Oculus Rift headset.

Increasing Emotional Engagement in Apps (Part 2)

Takeaway: Body movements commonly associated with certain emotional states can also invoke those emotional states.


Guitar Hero III Cover Image

I recently watched my grown kids play Guitar Hero. They got into the groove and activated Star Power by raising the neck of their guitar, gaining extra points in the process. (You know the move!) The app designers could have accomplished the same thing with a simple button press. Instead, my kids looked like the second coming of Elvis, with their legs spread shoulder-width and knees slightly bent. Can physical actions like the “hero” stance actually impact our emotional engagement in a game?

As user inputs are becoming more complex and variable, given the increasing popularity of depth sensing cameras, developers need to carefully consider how they implement actions in a game. Are there ways to use action to predictably influence the user’s emotions? Understanding how to use movement to influence emotional experiences makes users feel stronger emotions, pay more attention, remember information easier, and stay immersed longer wholesale NFL jerseys in a virtual experience.

New research in the field of Embodied Cognition offers some promising methods for harnessing dynamic user inputs to create powerful digital experiences. Embodied Cognition (discussed in Part 1 of this blog series) is founded on the idea that the way we stand, move, etc. can influence our thoughts and feelings. Current research is helping us understand exactly which body movements lead to which emotional responses. For example, one well-known study showed that simply activating the facial muscles used for cheap nba jerseys smiling can cause a person to feel happier. These muscles can be activated in many ways besides actually smiling (for example, holding a pencil between your teeth). Even when the person is unaware of activating these smile muscles, there is an increase in mood. This means that people don’t have to be aware of the movement they’re making for it to affect their feelings!

Embodied emotions go beyond facial muscles. One study found that sitting up straight can make you feel more confident. Another study reports that clenching your hand into a fist can make you more determined, and nodding your head while listening to a message can make you more persuaded by an argument. All of these effects are non-conscious; we feel the emotional response cheap NFL jerseys without connecting it to the way we’re moving.

The basic premise is this: the brain forms connections between concepts over time, and those connections are bidirectional. Perhaps you are familiar with a similar concept from your Psych 101 class – classical conditioning. If a dog hears a bell every time he eats his food, eventually the bell alone will make him drool. online The same relationship exists between our bodies and emotions. If we smile when we are happy and slouch when we are sad, over a lifetime of pairing our emotions with our actions, our actions can influence our emotions. We are happy when we smile. We are sad when we slouch.


Image courtesy of https://www.emaze.com/@AOWOOOQZ/Classical-Conditioning-

How can this principle can be applied to interactive design? Maybe the user must strike a heroic pose to “power up” or pantomime shaking hands when cheap NFL jerseys meeting a new ally. Squeezing a controller could (in theory) increase feelings of determination. Perhaps having an image out-of-focus so the user squints, causing a furrowing of the brow, will elicit (Standar) negative feelings associated with scowling.

Physical actions have the potential to invoke a predictable emotional response from the user, making the experience more vivid and memorable. Bad guys can feel more bad, and action scenes can feel more exciting. Along with evoking emotions from the images and sounds feature2 in an app, developers can use the mind-body connection to trigger emotional responses in the brain. The principal of embodied cognition seems to be an under-utilized (Part tool in game design. How are you using movement to initiate a feeling in your apps?

Stay tuned for the final installment of The Mind-Body Connection, when I discuss implications for the design of augmented and virtual reality applications.


Image courtesy of www.winbeta.org

How to Use Gestures to Increase Learning (Part 1)

Image courtesy of Iron Man

Takeaway:  The more congruent a gesture is with what is being learned, the better you’ll remember it.  

Increasingly, we interact with our electronic devices in many ways beyond simple mouse clicks and touch screens. Our devices are equipped with 3D cameras and motion sensors. Pointing, waving, smiling, grabbing are all gestures that we will soon (if not already) be able to use to make choices and play games with our phones, computers and game consoles.

But what is the point of About including different movements as user input? It’s healthier for couch potatoes, for sure, plus a lot more fun (the topic in Part 2 of this blog series). Who doesn’t prefer karate-chopping their opponents over pressing a button? What’s more, according to recent research, physical movements can actually cheap jerseys improve learning under certain conditions.

Embodied Cognition is a new field of study founded on the principle that the mind and body are inextricably linked; one affects the other. While most of us believe that we move because our brain tells us to, Embodied Cognition suggests that actions can also affect our thoughts, emotions, and even our decisions. The mere physical act of extending our arm toward a chocolate bar can influence how much we think we like it, whether world! we want it, or how valuable it is to us!

Equally importantly, our ability to remember is influenced by body movements. When was the last time you tried to explain something without using your hands? We naturally use our hands to help us think and remember. This is because our hand gestures, as well as other physical movements, actually make it easier for our brain to retrieve memories.

According to Embodied Cognitive research, certain physical actions help memory more than others. The type of movement should be Résidence meaningfully related to the material. For example, if an educational app is created to teach children how to tell time on an analog clock, users might move their arms in ways that resemble the clock face (i.e., one arm is used as the minute hand and one arm as the hour hand). Alternatively, an addition app in augmented reality could instruct children to grab virtual items with each hand, then move their hands together to combine the objects. For movements related to the content of what is being taught, (which scientists call congruent gestures), memory is better compared to unrelated movements or no movements at all.

On the other hand, adding incessant tapping or lots of movement to an app may reduce your memory for the information. Because of a concept psychologists call cognitive load, too much physical action wholesale jerseys can interfere with making memories. In other words, physical activity should be integrated sparingly and with specific intent Burning to provide the maximum learning benefit.

Cognitive Load Example. Courtesy of http://www.curtpavia.com/blog/tag/graphic-design/

Last year, Legacy Games developed an app for children that used gestures as the main form of interaction – Crayola Bubbles.  Using the Intel RealSense 3D camera, which supports the use of different interfaces, Legacy incorporated multiple movements into the minigames. The child can pop bubbles, drag and release bubbles to paint coloring pages, and pinch two bubbles together in order to blend their colors. In theory, having the child use their hands to drag and combine bubbles of different colors together SHOULD make it more likely that they remember the resulting new color, e.g., red and blue make purple.  I would have loved to test this hypothesis but alas, we ran out of time.

Screenshot from Crayola Bubbles

As our industry explores new ways to communicate with our devices, we should also cheap jerseys consider how these changes will impact the way we process information, feel, learn, and remember. HOW we interact turns out to be very important. Stay tuned for more about gestures and app design in the next installment of The Mind-Body Connection.